Feel Good

Status: Ongoing
Main Priority Area: Well-being
Venue: Norway,Poland,Armenia,Hungary
Duration: 16 Months

Project Overview

Short description:  

Innovative "Feel Good" Strategy for Sustainable and Well-being-focused Schools and Youth Organizations 



The "Feel Good" project is an innovative initiative focusing on the comprehensive development of schools and institutions working with young people. The project combines three pillars: ecology and sustainable development, digitization of teaching and learning, and intercultural dialogue and integration of excluded groups. It aims to address modern world needs, including preserving the mental health and well-being of young people, and creating a safe space for them. 



 Implement the innovative "Feel Good" model in schools and youth organizations 

Help create sustainable, balanced, and equal "schools of tomorrow" & "youth organizations of tomorrow" 

Increase awareness of ecology among youth and youth workers & introduce "green solutions" to various facilities 

Enhance the knowledge of digital tools for youth, youth workers, and educational leaders 

Increase digital competencies of youth workers, educators, etc., who work with youth and organize educational events for them 

Encourage lifelong learning among youth 

Promote mental and physical well-being among youth 

Project Results


IO1: A report on eco-awareness and student well-being in schools and organizations working with youth, affecting both students and teachers. The report will be published in 6 languages based on a survey of 500 schools and institutions. 

IO2: [part 1] A unique "Feel Good" strategy to be implemented in 5 participating schools, one from each country, with various activities and 5 documentaries on strategy implementation at partner schools [part 2] An interactive handbook in English and international partner languages with videos and instructions on implementing the "Feel Good" strategy in schools.

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