Active U

Status: Completed
Main Priority Area: Well-being & Sports
Budget: 56.620 EUR
Venue: Norway,Portugal, Ireland, Poland
Duration: 1 Year

Project Overview

Short description:

Social Inclusion through Sports.


The "#ACTIVE.U – SPORT AND SOCIAL INCLUSION" project, which lasts 24 months, aims to give voice to 5 associations in the scope of social inclusion, Physical Education and Sports and youth with new strategies and new forms of intervention among young people.

The problem of social exclusion is a reality for young people who are in a transition phase after compulsory schooling. With the options available and without certain knowledge of the most appropriate opportunities for their future, young people with fewer opportunities tend not to be able to set their own course and to embark on deviant paths. These paths translate into the young NEET and the young at risk of and social exclusion, incapacitated for their future.

The aim of the project is to empower young people with new skills and learning, showing their opportunities for the future through sport and informal education.

Thus, it is up to the organizations in the field of social inclusion, Physical Education and Sports and Youth, to join efforts to create strategies of social inclusion based on sport and promoting the social values associated with sport. These strategies, learning and content will give rise to intellectual (nonfunded) outputs that will be tested and validated on the ground among the target groups identified for the project (young people between the ages of 16 and 20, young people with fewer opportunities, young people at risk of and social exclusion, young NEET) and that will strengthen the transformation

of their social reality. The possible stakeholders (local associations in the scope of social inclusion, Physical Education and Sport and youth, sports clubs, private or public associations, schools, CM,

parish councils, Secretariat of State for Youth and Sports, Education and IPDJ) should be involved in the process, both by the implementation and validation of strategies, and by dissemination.


As regards the European priorities in the field of sport, the project takes on the same priorities for:

- promotion of social inclusion and equal opportunities;

- promotion of education through the development of skills and learning through sport;

- promotion of gender equality, physical and mental health and the promotion of European sports values, both for games and support for the mobility of coaches, volunteers, staff, among others.

Project’s objectives, as well as the priorities of the European Union, focus on the social inclusion of young people, making them more empowered, more aware and more proactive through sport and the values associated with sports. To this end, informal education - the basic values of sport - emerges to complement other methods of learning and skills development.

Project Results


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