Status: Ongoing
Main Priority Area: Career & Skills
Budget: 400.000€
Venue: Norway,Austria,Estonia,Germany,Lithuania,Spain,Croatia
Duration: 3 Years

Project Overview

Project Overview

Increasing the employability of highly educated adult immigrants through the evaluation, development and certification of their qualifications and skills.

Adults with an immigrant background often face challenges when settling in a new country and a new work culture. Many adult immigrants have formal qualifications as well as applied knowledge based on experience, and thus great potential to become successful employees or entrepreneurs. Yet, due to an alien system, bureaucratic requirements and cultural differences, the process of economic integration can become challenging, leading to underemployment as well as unemployment among adult immigrants. The HEIDI project addresses these challenges in concrete ways.

The overarching objective of the project is to:

• Prepare and integrate adult immigrants into the labour market by evaluating their skills and providing support aligned with the EU employment guidelines.

The special objectives of the project are to:

• Utilize digital platforms to enhance opportunities for skills assessment, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the capabilities of the individual.

• Transform soft skills to align with the dynamic demands of the labour market through career support mechanisms for immigrants and employers.

• Foster a community of engaged stakeholders, including education centres, career guidance providers, employers, governmental agencies, and immigrant associations.

• Implement strategies to promote the integration and inclusion of adult immigrants within the labour market, emphasizing the role of digital transformation in facilitating seamless transitions.

• Collaborate with public sector entities to enhance their capacity to support immigrant integration and inclusion.

The target groups of the project are:

• Adult immigrants

• Adult education centres

• Career guidance centres

• Employers and businesses

• Governmental agencies

• Organisations representing immigrants

Project Results

Project Results

The output of the HEIDI-project will be a digital platform where highly educated immigrants, adult educators, career counselors and employers can meet with the common goal of increasing the employability of these immigrants. Following are the specific tools that will be offered through this platform and how the different profiles will use them:

1. Self-Assessment Tool

• Adult Immigrants: Discover personal strengths and skills to guide career and education choices.

• Adult Educators: Customize learning experiences based on the assessment outcomes.

• Career Counselors: Gain insights into clients' skills and tailor career guidance accordingly.

2. Screening and Mapping Tool

• Adult Immigrants: Map skills to relevant job opportunities, providing a clearer career path.

• Adult Educators: Align educational programs with the specific skills identified through the tool.

• Career Counselors: Use the mapping results to offer targeted support and career advice.

3. Self-Certification Tool

• Adult Immigrants: Digitally validate soft skills, making it easier to showcase competencies to employers.

• Adult Educators: Facilitate the transition from education to employment by validating participants' skills.

• Career Counselors: Use the certification to add credibility to clients' skill sets, enhancing employability.

4. Digital e-Tool for Employers

• Employers: Efficiently assess and identify suitable candidates among skilled immigrants.

• Career Counselors: Extend reach by connecting clients with potential employers through this digital platform.


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