
Status: Completed
Main Priority Area: Education & Training
Budget: 249.988 EUR
Venue: Norway,Romania
Duration: 3 Years

Project Overview

Short description:

”Strengthening the representativeness of the RuralNet network and its advocacy capacity for an inclusive and sustainable National Strategic Plan”


RuralNet is the network of NGOs active in Romania that carry out their activity in the field of community development. Through this network, we want to increase the quality of the services provided by the 13 organizations involved and to capitalize on their components and resources.

RuralNet is based on expertise in community development and rural development. The network supports a School of experts in the field of community development in rural areas and is involved in university activity.

RuralNET’s documentation researchs are recognized and used for rural policy-making and is a resource for organizations working at local and regional level in rural areas.

Directions of action

  1. Monitoring, Networking and Visibility

Monitoring – RuralNET network has the capacity to monitor rural development policies, to propose and develop public policies, to react to their change/support.


Networking and partnership development Develop the network to become a vibrant and relevant network for member organizations and internal experts;


Visibility and promotion of community development programs – Promotion of the rural environment; Promoting sustainable models for the rural environment based on social economy and circular economy;


  1. Resource center with best practices, studies, expertise and training in the field of community development


The formation of a center with reference resources in the field of community development by: Developing resources for learning; Documenting community development models and applying them as methodologies for working


Strategic objectives

O1. Increasing member involvement in supporting the network

O2. Involvement in rural environment research. Measuring the evolution of the social capital of rural communities in Romania – The social capital barometer

O3. Promotion of good practices in community development in Romania;

O4. Increasing the quality of community development services

O5. Developing H.R. skills/skills of rural communities in Romania;

Project Results



The project is built on 2 dimensions – the organizational development of the RuralNet network and the development of an advocacy campaign for an inclusive National Strategic Plan inclusive with young people, promoter of equal opportunities and sustainability of the rural environment, in response to the lack of a relevant actor, who will bring together organisations with experience and expertise in rural development at national level.


Learning activities

  • Training Course – Social entrepreneurship

  • Training Course – Project management

  • 4 specific workshops

Strategic planning

  • 5 meetings with the network members

  • At least 12 NGOs involved

  • A coherent strategy for Ruralnet

Advocacy campaigns

  • 4 policy briefs developed

  • Advocacy campaigns

  • National and international meetings with key shareholders


Advisory Services for members

  • Specialized consulting in social economy structures

  • Expertise in project management

Community development

  • RuralNet national event

  • Recommendation guide


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