Status: Completed
Main Priority Area: Well-being & Sports
Budget: 343.875 EUR
Venue: Norway,Bulgaria,Bosnia Herzigova, Canada, Belgium, Spain, Austria
Duration: 2 years

Project Overview


Elite athletes play an important role in the philanthropic community and thus it is important to develop their social entrepreneurship competences. Open and digital learning platforms and training resources are important to develop the knowledge, skills and competencies of the elite athletes on social entrepreneurship to open a new way of their employment.


The overall objectives of the SENTA project are to:-support the implementation of the EU Guidelines Dual Careers of Athletes through the development of a sports-focused social entrepreneurship program,-contribute to innovative approaches to social entrepreneurship through an innovative curriculum and gamification based training modules in line with talented, elite and retired athletes needs and expectations.


The project objectives were achieved through a variety of the activities summarized under 6 work-packages:

  • WP-1: Project Management,

  • WP-2: Research activities (collection of evidence-based data, field research activities, focus group meetings),

  • WP-3: Development of innovation course curriculum on social entrepreneurship in sport,

  • WP-4: Development of a gamification-based digital and open training modules on social entrepreneurship for athletes,

  • WP-5: Pilot scheme,

  • WP-6: Dissemination Activities.

Project Results


The following Intellectual Outputs (IOs) were developed to achieve the project aims mentioned above:
IO-1: An innovative course curriculum on social entrepreneurship in the field of sport
IO-2: A Gamification based digital and open training modules on social entrepreneurship for talented, elite and retired athletes
IO-3: Pilot Scheme Report




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