Status: Ongoing
Main Priority Area: Youth Development
Budget: 60.000 EUR
Venue: Norway,Croatia,Greece
Duration: 1 Year

Project Overview

Short Description:

"SUNRISE" project for Supporting Youth in Understanding Renewable Energy Solutions


The "SUNRISE" project is an ambitious initiative aimed at the educational sector, specifically targeting high school students aged 14-19. It focuses on three main areas: promoting sustainable energy awareness, integrating green skills into the curriculum, and enhancing employability in the renewable energy sector. The project seeks to equip young individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to a sustainable future, addressing the urgent need for a workforce capable of driving the transition to renewable energy.


Implement the innovative "SUNRISE" model in high schools and youth organizations.

Foster a generation of environmentally conscious and proactive young individuals who are well-informed about sustainable energy solutions and related career opportunities.

Enhance the knowledge and skills of students in sustainable energy, preparing them for the green jobs of tomorrow.

Increase awareness among high school students of the critical role renewable energy plays in combating climate change and promoting global sustainability.

Encourage the adoption of green solutions and sustainability practices within educational institutions and communities.

Promote STEM education among youth with a focus on renewable energy technologies and sustainability.

Support the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills through project-based learning and practical experiences in the field of renewable energy.

Project Results


IO1: A comprehensive "Handbook of Sustainable Energy and Related Career Opportunities for Youth," designed to inform and inspire students about the possibilities within the sustainable energy sector. The handbook will cover key concepts in renewable energy, outline various career paths, and provide practical advice for pursuing a career in this field. It will be made available in multiple languages to ensure broad accessibility.

IO2: A series of non-formal education modules in the form of Audio-Visual digital content, including educational videos on Sustainable Energy and related career opportunities for youth. This innovative digital content will be designed to engage students through interactive learning experiences, featuring interviews with professionals in the renewable energy sector, practical demonstrations of renewable energy technologies, and interactive quizzes to test knowledge and stimulate interest. The content will be accessible on a dedicated platform and promoted through social media and educational networks.

By focusing on renewable energy education, the "SUNRISE" project directly contributes to the development of a sustainable and environmentally conscious society. It aims to inspire and empower young individuals to become active participants in the transition towards renewable energy, ultimately fostering a more sustainable future for all.


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