Yourganic Way

Status: Completed
Main Priority Area: Education & Training
Budget: 145.528 EUR
Venue: Norway,Spain,Poland,Iceland,Greece
Duration: 2 years

Project Overview


Not all veggies are born the same. When sharing the same form and colour, some vegetables are poison, and some are the best medicine. So, how to differentiate and navigate through this vast amount of food we get offered? There is lack of awareness about the food we eat. Especially youngsters don’t seem to be interested enough in nutrition.

Despite of numerous negative health effects that have been associated with chemical pesticides, synthetic fertilisers. That includes: dermatological, gastrointestinal, neurological, carcinogenic, respiratory, reproductive, and endocrine effects.

Alzheimer's disease, diabetes mellitus, and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, DNA damage, oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation, and pro-inflammatory cytokine activation, which together leads to increased cellular degeneration and death.


Communicate about harms of Non-organic practices and teach about the practical aspects of organic farming. Show its effects on our bodies and environment.


  • WP-1: Development of informative modules (O1) for youth workers as trainers and facilitators

  • WP-2 Development of gamified mobile application for young people.

  • WP-3 Local Actions (training seminar for youth workers, digital gamified learning activities for young people).

  • Wp-4 Piloting: Transnational learning activity for young people in Greece (M20) Led by


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Project Results

Project Results

Intellectual Outputs (IOs)

  • Informative Modules for Youth Workers: Educational resources focusing on themes like organic gardening, healthy diet, and sustainable food production.

  • Gamified Mobile Application - “Grolo”: A digital tool designed to educate and engage young people on healthy nutrition and benefits of organic gardening.

  • Literature Review Report: A comprehensive review of existing literature on organic farming, impacts of GMOs, pesticides, and sustainable agricultural practices.

  • Farmer and Youth-Worker Interview Report-


The "Yourganic Way" project conducted insightful interviews with farmers and youth workers from Iceland, Norway, Greece, Poland, and Spain. The primary aim was to gather diverse perspectives on the integration of young people into organic farming and to understand the challenges and opportunities in this sector.

  • Survey Reports: Detailed findings assessing knowledge and attitudes related to organic farming and sustainability.

  • Final Report Including Pilot Scheme Report: Summarizing findings, assessments, and feedback from various project activities.


Activities Conducted

  • Learning Activity in Greece: An interactive 5 day sessions in Thessaloniki focusing on practical insights into organic farming and healthy eating.

  • Multiplier Events: Various events across participating countries to disseminate project findings and best practices.


  • Progress Reports: Monthly reports by project staff, evaluating ongoing activities and efficiency.

  • Evaluation Reports: Assessing the project's impact based on qualitative and quantitative indicators.



Dissemination Activities

  • Platforms/Channels: Utilized social media, websites, blogs, app stores, press releases, and TV/radio interviews.

  • Reach and Engagement:

Social media posts: Views ranging from 30 to 8,000, with varying levels of engagement

Website visits: Estimated 1,400 monthly visitors

App Store: Over 200 comments

Press releases: Up to 13,900,000 daily users reached; 22,541 views on a single article

TV interviews: Up to 41,000 views

Multiplier events: Attendees ranging from 13 to 18 per event. (5 partners)


  • Materials Used: Included photos, videos, PowerPoint presentations, project logos, articles, and interactive tools.

  • Target Audience: Engaged a diverse audience comprising young environmentalists, students, youth workers, educators, NGOs, farmers, and the general public.


Impact and Feedback

The "Yourganic Way" project has made a substantial impact on its target audience, enhancing awareness and skills in organic farming and healthy nutrition. The project's innovative approach, combining educational modules with digital tools like the "Grolo" app, has been well-received, with positive feedback and engagement from participants and stakeholders.


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